Woke up Dreaming

by Joe Bonamassa

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:42 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Live @ Mr.Kyps '07

Song Author

Joe Bonamassa

Tabbed by



1st → Joe - Guitar
2nd → Fret Noise / Percussion(corpus)
3rd → Joe - Vocals
4th → Spur 5
5th → Effects

File Size

185 KB




[Verse1] woke up drea-min' I was gon-na die.- woke up drea-min' I was gon-na die.- cause my ba-by said her,-- said her last good-byes. [Verse2] Reached out for her, and she was not there.- Reached out for her, and she was not there.- Yeah, I miss her bo-dy,-- and her long brown hair.- [Verse3] heart rate fal-lin riv-er flood. - black cat baw-lin moon driv-en blood-- woke up drea-min, I was gon-na die,- all my sins a-bound me, It's my turn to cry- Yeah. Yeah. [Verse4] Dev-il's Ris-in', you don't have a chance.- Dev-il's ris-in', you don't have a chance. When there's fid-dles play-in',-- shake your bones and dance.- [Verse5] I just want to, live an-oth-er day.- I just want to, live an-oth-er day.- See that brown haired wom-an,-- com-in' back this way?-


This Tab was made for use with the Airfont-340 soundfont with a soundblaster Audigy! Maybe you will have to reset the soundsettings!